Inspired by Alberti's measuring devices and renaissance drawing tools, this project explores the transformations that occur between analog and digital methods. Rather than correcting the imprecision that results from measuring "by hand," the process used in the project embraces it. The resulting intervention derived from the imprecisely measured paper model is a landscape and looping pavilion structure that fosters both chance encounters and moments of solitude. 
STEP 1: Create a form using a logic of folding and cutting paper
STEP 2:  Design a method or device to measure the paper form and model it digitally
"The Draughtsman of the Lute" by Albrecht Dürer (German, Nuremberg 1471–1528 Nuremberg)
"The Draughtsman of the Lute" by Albrecht Dürer (German, Nuremberg 1471–1528 Nuremberg)
STEP 3: Intervene on the resulting model and introduce program and scale
Derived landscape with pavilion
Physical model of landscape and pavilion
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