As the technological singularity rapidly approaches - when computing power matches and surpasses that of the human brain - mankind is confronted with a need to cope with the irreversible unification of technology and human life. A disruption to the trajectory of evolution as drastic as this can only be matched by the current crisis of climate change and brings about an equivalent level of anxiety and stress that must be treated with care and gravitas like any other physical or mental illness. The current project is a proposal for a new branch of the federal government that synthesizes efforts in cyber security and public health. At locations around the nation, CyberCare facilities provide space for specialists to protect against growing cyber threats to civilians' personal data and well-being, as well as provide a tech-free sanctuary for the public, protected from the physical and psychological threats that technology imposes day-to-day and assists with the peaceful transition into a post-singularity world through education and treatment programs.

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